I am little bleary eyed this morning but it was worth it.
I've been working from home the back end of this week so other than a trip out to meet a friend Thursday hadn't really got dressed up. This friend is a glamour puss and I knew would look fabulous so I took some time to get a little glam myself.
There was the inevitable shoe dilemma (I went with the green in the end)
When we arrived we were greeted and asked where the American bar was - and then asked about the Beaufort bar. A little discussion about the different vibes in each bar and the decision was made - first stop the American Bar - just off the main lobby up the stairs to the left of the entrance.
We were greeted and asked for a name to arrange a table, we were advised there would be a 20 minute wait but there was a small lobby bar we could get a drink and wait it. Bar number 1 and glass of fizz number 1. After about 10 minutes we were escorted to a table in the bar. The bar is low key, relaxed and buzzy but not bustling. We had a table with a plush banquette and a equally lux bucket seat. Whoops more champagne as we listened to the piano jazz and our applause was appreciated. The room is quite well lit (not harsh but light enough that you can actually see each other fully) and we caught up. After a while we settled the bill and headed to the Beaufort Bar.
The Beaufort Bar is situated just off the tea room further back through the hotel. It's beautiful and opulent in gold and black. Again we were seated at a table and had fabulous service. We decided to have a cocktail (pear and liquorish bellini for CP, old fashioned with makers mark for me). The vibe in the Beaufort Bar is a little different, the lighting is lower (though still not dark) and the piano player moves away from the standards and instead plays jazzy, piano versions of more modern songs (Happy anyone?). After the cocktails we went back to Fizz. It really is a beautiful bar, pricey but grown up and such a lovely place to be in London on a Friday night. (as an aside JK Rowling was in the bar too - she looked amazing!).
After a few hours of chatting and catching up it was time to meet up with the others so we left the sanctuary of the Savoy and headed to J Sheekey's for a late supper. J Sheekey's is a bit of an institution and I know that it can be a bit hit and miss but this time it was a hit hit hit. I like fish but I'm more of a meat gal and even though it's not on their menu they really do the most fabulous steak

Not the best picture quality but just trust me on this - it was fabulous. We drank some british fizz to start (wish I knew the name) and then moved on to Malbec (this mixing of drinks may be the cause of the fuzziness).
CP's Ma was full of joy after seeing La Traviata and I am hoping to go next month - she sparkled with pleasure when she talked about how the music was still dancing around inside her head (but also something about how she really could be one of the waitresses - I have to see it now if only to understand what she's talking about).
I headed home with my doggy bag (the bone on that steak wasn't going to waste!) the Piccadilly line back to North London and fell into bed at midnight full of happy and loving London. Don't you just love it when those unplanned nights turn out to be some of the best?