Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Is it me?
Monday, 29 June 2009
Start the week right

Sunday, 28 June 2009
Who stole the sun?
Saturday, 27 June 2009
It's not procrastination - I'm just lazy that's all
complain about it gal. Well today and this past week I am at least. I
finally got round to painting my toe nails but here I am 2.20pm and I
still haven't been to the shops, have only done two of the things in
my list since Thursday. Seriously if it wasn't for the lovely people
of Ocado the cupboards would be bare (though the shopping delivered at
10am is still waiting to be put away).
So I am now waiting for my nails to dry then will go to M&S for magic
tea then back to my trusty sofa for more wasting away.
Get a bleedin grip woman!
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, 26 June 2009
Sleeping like Starfish
Thursday, 25 June 2009
While the Cats away
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Things are blooming
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Stomp Stomp Stomp
We're going on a job hunt

today I am off to Manchester to meet with two agencies in the hope
that they will be able to place me.
Still haven't heard about the interview last Monday, or come to think
of it the one the Thursday before that - now that's just rude!
So today I need to replace procrastinator me with acheiver me need to
finish an application this morning then to the gym, then drive over to
civilisation for the first meeting then to the second. The a stop off
at The Trafford Centre on the way back to immerse myself in the joy
that is John Lewis, Selfridges & Carluccios before coming back to
oblivion (you townies will think it strange but John Lewis is my idea of meditation).
Today is going to be a good day, I shall wear my new shoes to put a
literal sping in my step.
EDIT - gah just had a call my first meeting in Manchester has been cancelled so - change of plan may have to hit the shops before the second meeting, ah well - coffee then gym.
Monday, 22 June 2009
My new toy
testing the email blogging on her now!
Sent from my iPhone
Daddy's Girl
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Reading Blogs can be bad for your pocket....
Sorting through my excess
grain store.....it's a picture of my past excesses. I tried to take
some photo's to post but can't get a true picture of the mess. However this isn't far off:

It's come to a head for a few reasons. Firstly, if I get this job I
will be away during the week again for the next 6 months and that
means getting more organised with my wardrobe and accessories and as I
loose weight I want to be able to wear the clothes that I am beginning
to fit back into. The second reason is the row that I had with The
Boy last night over my slattern tendencies it went along the lines of
'for christ's sake Wife when are you going to clean up this f'ing mess
- you've been sat on your arse all day for a week now and you can't
even put your clothes away' to which I replied 'how dare you - you
were at home for five f'ing months and what exactly did you do with
you time? What did you achieve in that time?' closely followed by '
when you learn to cook and iron then you have the right to say
something to me about the mess but until then you can just f off'.
See a nice grown up sensible discussion!
Anyway the shame is too much so I will have to get on with it. The
petulant part of me doesn't want to do it today - as then The Boy will
think he has won and that it is a direct result of his comments
yesterday. But I should do it now whilst I have the inclination
otherwise I'll be sat here again in the middle of next week bemoaning
my procrastination. It's tough being a lazy slut!
Friday, 19 June 2009
It's Not a No.....
heard nothing it was a negative response - well guess what I was
wrong! It's not a no - that's a bit like 'I don't not like it' but
that's a whole other story - but it's not a yes either.
So it's between me and one other candidate. Apparently I would
nurture and get along with the team; they would like me and work with
me and know that I would be their Champion. The other candidate would
be more removed from the team - they may not like here but would
eventually get the work done the right way. So the recruiting
Director has a decision to make me - the fluffy one or her - the (I
don't want to call her anything nasty I don't know her so this is just
what I have been told) more stern one.
The funny thing is I have never been called fluffy or that I might be
too nice - usually I am too tough or to straightforward. This is the
second time in as many weeks that I have had feedback that I am
potentially not hard enough for the role - me....... Pah! When I told
The Boy this he laughed - we met through work and work in the same
field - when people compare us he is always the nice, fluffy one and I
am the 'hard faced' one. Obviously these years of contracting have
mellowed me!
So unlikely to hear before the weekend but feel less negative now -
there's a 50/50 chance that I will be back in employment soon! Huzzah.
I miss my Girlfriends

It's simple really I miss my friends. I can't watch the Sex in The
City (SOTC) film in one go as it makes me miss them more. I miss the
closeness and reliability of Sisters; the honesty and unquestioning
support. We have known each other since school and been close for a
long time; seen each other through first times, first loves, break
ups, make ups, never should have been there, childbirth, miscarriage,
mistakes, happy mistakes, wedding, funerals, good and bad times.
We don't all live in the same City anymore. Lady P is in Devon by the
sea with her beautiful little girls being a lovely Mother and Wife;
KBW moved out of London to the country in Oxfordshire and is slowly
going mad; Only CP is in London still living the fabulous life of a 30
something city girl - financially independent, knows where all the
best parties are but really just wants to meet 'the one' and be like
Lady P (though in London near the hub). Then there's me, moved North
many years ago married to a lovely kind man (The Boy) who knows I miss
my friends but doesn't quiet get it.
Like many other girls I am sure we have compared ourselves to the
girls of SOTC interestingly we usually agree where we sit so here goes:
Lady P is Charlotte - a little prim, easily shocked with a heart of gold
KBW is Samantha - gorgeous, sassy but missing being at Home
CP is Carrie - cooky, fun, creative but actually just wants to be loved
and that makes me Miranda - stuck in Brooklyn with a man I love in a
relationship that's not always perfect but definitely worth fighting
We compliment each other and sometimes we clash but mostly we fit. I
know that they are only at the end of a the phone but it's not the
same. Had a lovely chat with KBW yesterday whilst watching Ascot -
reminded me of when we used to see each other all day and then go home
and speak to each other on the phone whilst watching Dynasty then Come
Dancing to talk about what everyone was wearing - my Dad really didn't
get it but Mum did; must be a girl thing.
I read Liberty London Girl's blog about receiving Letters
and know that I too am lucky to have a box full of letters, cards
and postcards from my friends which I treasure - just sometimes I need
the real thing.
Oh this has become a bit of a feeling sorry for myself post - time to
snap out of it. Meeting The Boy for lunch today so spit spot this
morning - onwards.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Patio Garden in Progress!
A Pocket Rocket Gardener
yesterday afternoon and I am going to spend my morning planting up.
The patio garden contains the following plants:
Runner Beans
Dwarf French Beans
Rainbow Chard
MIxed Lettuce
I'm a little concerned that I don't have enough pots but I am silly
excited about the thoughts of growing my own food.
We didn't really grow our own food when we were growing up, by the
time I was 19 I have lived in 9 houses so I suppose we were never
settled anywhere enough to develop a plot. I remember strawberries
from the garden and popping over to the field behind the house to pick
blackberries. I also have a vague memory of my grandparents having
gooseberries when they lived in Aborfield. I remember pick you own
trips with my skinny minnie mum in the late 70s - with her amazing hair.
As well as getting this garden for myself I bought one for my brothers
and a Children's Garden for KBWs Cheeky Monkeys - apparently I now
also have to buy KBW a manicure (don't think she was too impressed by
my suggestion to 'just wear gloves'). So in the garden in the sun
(hopefully) all morning - trying to take my mind off the call I am
waiting for about the interview on Monday (fingers crossed). Then to
the gym then home to tackle the ironing mountain.
Today I am also reading this fashion gets sensible
and cooing over these