Just got these in black in the sale at John Lewis. Lovely jubbly.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Today was not a bad day (so far)
Today I am working from home, catching up on everything that needs to be done and getting weighed in at Fat Club. So I decided to cycle to Fat Club (burn every last calorie I could) so had the dilemma of a cycling outfit - it is a beautiful autumn day and too wrapped up I would sweat buckets and not wrapped up enough I would be too too cold. So I settled on, M&S Leggings, Ugg shorties, stripy French Connection t-shirt dress, bright green coat (always good to be seen) and a lovely chunky cable knit beret.
I cycled to the squash club and got weighed in and HUZZAH I lost 4lbs (it wavered between 3.5 and 4 but woot woot) which after I have eaten what I've eaten (see here) is bloomin good news.
So to reward myself I stopped in the market on my way home and treated myself to a non-food treat:
They smell fantastic and look so pretty.
So far so good......
I'm a little obsessed by food at the moment
I'm a little bit obsessed with food at the moment, from my fabulous Veg Box that came with my Ocado order this week - Curly Kale, Pumpkin, Parsnips, Carrotts, Cabbage & Pototos
Todays lunch - lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, red pepper, spring onion, ham and ceasar salad dressing:
And the Cornish Pasties I made on Friday:
I know that the obsession is linked to being back at Fat Club and counting everything that I eat but so far it's been quite healthy and I only had half a pasty and 3/4 of a scotch egg.
All good.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
I wish I slept like this

via We Heart It
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Didn't we have a lovely day the day we went to..........
.....Birmingham - yes really. Well to the Hotel du Vin Birmingham then on to Villa Park for the Aston Villa V Manchester City match.
It all began about a week before when I got a facebook mesage from the lovely Mrs P saying that her husband and she had purchased 4 corporate tickets in the Directors box for Villa this season (they have previously had a box) and that before they took any clients she wanted to do a dummy run with some friends; and as they were playing my team (Manchester City) did I want to go? Oh my did I want to go......well first I had to break the news to The Boy that I would be going to an away game without him and that it would be in the Directors box.
So I arranged my work around it and off booked a complete bargain at the Hotel du Vin in Birmingham. I had stayed there a few years ago with Mum when we went to the BBC Good Food Show at the NEC and it was lovely so was looking forward to staying again. Last time I was there it was a rather compact room with twin beds. This time, however, on arrival the lovely lady at reception upgraded me to this (apologies for the quality of the photo's taken on my iPhone which doesn't have great picture quality - come on Apple time for at least 7 mpx surely?):
At 6pm I was collected in a chauffeur driven Audi Q7 by Mrs P and her two other guests A & P. A is a season ticket holder at Chelsea and one of Mrs P's clients who has now become a friend and P knows very little about football but a lot about wine. So off we went to Villa Park. After being dropped off we went into the main reception and were escorted by a host up to the Directors' Dining Room. On arrival we were welcomed and they took out coats and promtly handed us a glass of champagne and offered canapés (unfortunately I have no photo's from the ground as I didn't take my camera and wasn't organised enough with my phone) - here is the invite to the Directors' Dining Room:
We were then shown to our table and give a menu to chose a four course meal from. I had scallops to start, beef wellington for my main and cheese for desert (there was also a rhubard something and a chocolate covered poached pear but I wanted savoury). With each course there was a different wine and the lovely wine waiter (Alan) wasn't shy in keeping our glasses filled up. The white was a lovely clean crisp semillion, the red was very flavourful but I can't remember what it was but the best was the desert wine - it was an ice wine from Canada. P works in the industry and had visited the place where it was made so we had a great chat with Alan about the wine (more details here).
So the star spotting (well only if you're into Football really) Gary Cook and Mike Summerby were there representing City and Doug Ellis, who is the heart of the club, there for Villa. Also there were Tony Adams, Lofty from Eastenders (random I know) and England Manager Fabio Capello and his entourage.
Just before taking our seats we were given the team sheets:
A little bit tipsy we took our seats in the Directors' box:
I shan't do a match report but first half Villa came out all guns blazing and fully deserved to go in 1-0 up at the break. Shame that ex-City player Richard Dunne scored the goal but he didn't celebrate and the City fans applauded him in response - I am secretly (well not that secretly as I am not ashamed to tell anyone that will listen) in love with Richard Dunne, he played for City for 9 years and was club captain for his last few. I have had his name and number on my shirts for the last few years and was very sad to see him go, I might have mentioned this to him but more on that later. Incidentally, Richard Dunne is on my list of people that I am allowed to marry is The Boy dies - it's not a very long list to be fair but will blog about that another time.
So half time and we head back in; Alan has once again been generous with the wine and there is also coffee. I missed it but A was mistaken for being Fabio Capello's companion when she was standing very close to him. Back for the second half and Mr Ellis needed a little help getting to his seat - over the years I have seen him on television and love the way he loves his club but I didn't realise quite how old and frail he now is. I believe he is in his 80s so not bad for an old chap. In the second half City equalised with a great shot by Craig Bellamy who played his socks off.
After the match and back to the dining room and time for more cheese, coffee and Port (once again Alan did us proud). After a little warm up it was time to leave. However, whilst walking along the corridor we bumped into Richard Dunne who was on his way to the Directors to receive his Man of the Match award. When I say bumped it was a little more like a hi-jack as I turned into scary girl fan.
Me: Dunney, will you sign this for me (fumbling in my bag for a pen)
Dunney: erm...yeah (looking a bit frightened)
Dunneys minder: here use this marker pen.
Me: how could you leave us, I have all these shirts that I can't wear now
Dunney: snigger snigger (still looking a bit frightened)
Libby: Yes but now he's here and playing for us which is great.
Me: Thanks, gush gush gush, we'll miss you
Libby: Sorry she really likes you
then sense prevailed and we scurried off.......here is his autograph:
until we got outside that was when I then got Roque Santa Cruz autograph whilst on out way to the car:
Then when we got to our car turned out Craig Bellamy's car was parked next to our so I accosted him as well (he was lovely though not at all like he is on the pitch a real sweetie):
Mrs P then dropped me back at the hotel and my lovely room, I slept well until about 5am (not unusual) then lazed around until breakfast (Hotel du Vin really do a very good English Breakfast) then headed back home.
I had such a fabulous time and can't thank Mrs P enough. I sent flowers but they only touch on how grateful I am.
I have put all my memorabillia from the day into a frame to go up in the office at home, along with our signed shirt we were given when we got married, all our match tickets and gig tickets which we have in clip frames and our programs from the last game at Maine Road.
Bloomin Marvelous - as I said - didn't we have a lovely day the day we went to Birmingham.
Friday, 23 October 2009
Getting ready for Christmas
So I just spent a lovely hour making Christmas cards and gift tags - I am not sure who I am or what I have become but I really enjoyed it.
Here are some (fuzzy) pics of my efforts so far:
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Blogs I wish I could get round to writing...
So I have at least 5 blogs to write up and haven't got round to it yet:
1st is the fantastic time I had when I was a guest of Mrs P in the Directors Box for the Manchester City away game at Aston Villa.
2nd is all my latest sewing projects; including some brilliant pajama's and some fab proposed gifts.
3rd is the brilliant weekend I had with CP and KBW this weekend
4th more purchases from the lovely Isabella Oliver
5th my new shoes
oh dear must stop procrastinating by writing lists and actually write. I am sure there are more but right now that's as far as I have got.
PS I am already more than halfway to my fundraising target thanks to the lovely aforementioned Mrs P, M&D & Annie - thank you lovely people. Others feel free to sponsor me here
Friday, 16 October 2009
I'm Walking the Walk

via Nullalux @ www.weheartit.com
Amazingly the online applications for the 26.2 mile overnight walk were full before lunchtime on the first day of registration. As a result a couple of friends were only able to sign up for the half marathon but we will all be there in our Bra's raising money and awareness for a fantastic cause.
So, after this weekend the training will begin. I say after this weekend as it is CPs Birthday this weekend and I am off to Fancy London to go out to play.
Anyone who has met me will know that I am not exactly svelte (and that's being kind) and my idea of exercise is going to the bar for the next round so 26.2 miles is going to be a serious challenge. However, it's a challenge I am up to. If as a result of raising money for Breast Cancer research I manage to shed a few lbs then it's all bonus.
The Boy is being quite supportive, when I told him that I had a place he was in Manchester with work. When he came home that evening he brought me a gift - a new Nike Tshirt (Your Pace or Mine on the front) to use when training. I can't remember the last time he bought me something when it wasn't a birthday or special event so this was lovely of him.
I will bore (ahem) anyone that reads this with my progress over the next 6 months but for now, be a darling if you can spare a few pennies please visit my just giving site (linky below) and support my (ridiculous) endeavor.
After all It's All About The Boobs.
Cheers x
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Playing Cupid
So I put my friend CP (mentioned here) on My Single Friend after her Mother offered to put her on a Catholic dating site.
After a slow start she had her first date last night. And you know what, she liked him and it appears he liked her. He wants to see her again tonight (she has put him off until after her planned drinks date with friends).
I so want her to have fun and to enjoy herself with someone who isn't A.) already in a relationship; B.) Commitment Phobic C.) a suspected Drug Dealer or D.) a stalker.
So fingers crossed - even if he's not the one lets hope he's a good one.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Plan D'Action
So today I am planning to:
1 - tackle the ironing mountain
2 - empty out the kitchen and bleach everything down (I know I know)
3 - bake some cupcakes/muffins
4 - (and if there's time) spend a couple of hours at my sewing machine making up a dress from my lovely liberty fabric.
For now though I am cleaning the @teamvaughan way; time for another cup of tea.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
The Cloth House, Berwick Street
Oh my, oh my what a beautiful place. As I have mentioned I have recently began sewing a lot and am really enjoying it so last week after using my Liberty voucher (thank you lovely people at Liberty) to buy material (this, this & this) I went to Milk & Honey to meet the Lovely CP for drinks and saw The Cloth House on Berwick street. It was closed but I decided there and then that I would be going back.
So yesterday, I was in Fancy London and had the day to myself. After meeting the lovely InsomniacFrieze for tea & cake (well I had tea and a scone, she had coffee was very restrained by not finishing a slice of lemon drizzle cake) in Selfridges I went on a little shopping jolly and made my way to Berwick Street - an oh my.
I didn't have my camera with me so will have to rely on my limited descriptive skills but it was beautiful. It's a very bright and light shop with rows and rows of rolls of fantastic material. I was a little laden down with shopping bags so didn't go downstairs but went into the back to browse amongst the poplin, linens and other beautiful materials.
So I bought some lovely linen and some sublime ribbon which I will use to make Christmas gifts so can't show pictures. I can't wait to go back once I have planned some more projects or just to spend some more time looking through the lovely merchandise.
I'll be back lovely Cloth House, you may very well be one of my new favourite places.
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